Dead to Me Season 3 is an American dark comedy TV show directed by Liz Feldman and produced by Joe Hardesty, Linda Cardellini, Peter Chomsky, Buddy Enright, and Denise Pleune.
The series has been one of the popular shows on Netflix. It revolves around the story of two women who after the death of one of their became friends.
Dead to me first premiered on May 3, 2019 with just 10 episodes followed by Season 2 with again 10 episodes airing on May 8, 2020.
It’s no brainer that the show is being renewed for another season with a rating of 8/10 on IMDb and 90% from Rotten Tomatoes.
After a very entertaining 10 entertaining, we are left with a major dramatic cliffhanger of discovering Steve body.
Dead to Me Season 3: Release Date
The second season was released just this year and then the COVID pandemic hit leading all productions to halt.
For now, there’s no official announcement regarding the release date of the third season. In addition to that with the current situation of the world, we may expect a delay in the release date for the next season.
So, make sure to stay with us as we will update you on all details about the show.
Dead To Me Season 3: Plot
Dead to me since the first season has been full of a plot twists. One of the mystery was of Steve’s death and it left the audience with a major cliffhanger in the finale of season 1.
Then again, we saw Steve in season 2. Like What? Then again, a few episodes in, and it was confirmed that the so-called Steve we saw in season was not actually Steve but his semi-identical twin brother Ben.
It has mnay smal twist and unasnwered questions throughout the series.
For now, there’s no plot leaks.
But in the finale episode of the show, we saw a dog sniffing out in the woods Steve’s dead decaying body. Steve’s brother Ben crashed in Jen and Judy’s car.
We expect Season 3 will pick up from it was left in the last season.
Dead To Me Season 3: Cast
If there’s no cast change, we expect,
- Christina (as Jen Harding),
- Linda (as Judy Hale), and
- James Marsden (as Steve/Ben Wood).
A quick side note and sad news for all fans of the show, the third installment will be it’s last. Reflecting on the series finally coming to an end, showrunner and director Liz Feldman said Dead to Me is “exactly the show I wanted to make” in a statement to Deadline.