Directed by McG and written by Brian Duffield, The Babysitters premiered on Netflix in Fall 2017. The film describes a wild night in the life of 12-year-old Cole Johnson (Judah Lewis), who must fight for his life after discovering it. That his Dai B (Semra tissue) is the leader of a demonic cult.
The movie will soon be reverting to the main film’s lead, Cole Johnson. Cole has defeated the Papi cult led by his midwife. Now, he is trying to ignore the horrors of his past as he grapples with his transition to high school.
Still, fate has different plans for it; Another tragic attack hits him: the old enemy suddenly returns to seek revenge, forcing Cole to reverse the script to ensure his existence. Once again, Cole must push himself to the limit of thought and speed if he takes his enemies out and takes him out of commission.
Netflix announced that the sequel to the movie is rolling in September 2019, and it’s coming to the streaming platform soon! Here we know everything about The Babysitter: Killer Queen.
The official release date of The Babysitter: Killer Queen:
The film will premiere on Netflix on September 10, 2020. The film’s prequel, called The Babysitters, was released on Netflix in 2017.
The storyline of The Babysitter: Killer Queen:
‘The Babysitter: Killer Queen’ is expected to continue the story of Cole Johnson, who has suffered another tragic setback in an attempt to forget the horrors of his past – the old enemy suddenly returns in search of revenge.
The cast members of The Babysitter: Killer Queen:
- Judah Lewis
- Emily Alyn Lind
- Jenna Ortega
- Robbie Amell
- Andrew Bachelor
- Leslie Bibb
- Hana Mae Lee
- Bella Thorne
- Ken Marino
- Chris Wylde
- Carl McDowell
- Julio Cesar Chavez
- Maximilian Acevedo
- Jennifer Foster
- Helen Hong